We Hope You'll Join Us

You can join us every Monday morning at the new ABCCM warehouse to help sort clothing, package paper products, and fill food bins. There is great need for volunteers here, and so we will continue to take a team each Monday from 10-noon to assist where we can. Please consider joining us. The address is 1845 Brevard Road. There is no need to register. You can just show up. We have been arriving around 10 AM. If you want to carpool, please let Sally Bush or one of the pastors know.







Food Collection for Local Food Pantries

Next Collection - January 5th, 2024


Every first Sunday of the month, we will collect non-perishable food items for a local food pantry. Please bring what you can. As we receive communion, we will offer our donations that will help others. 


Advent Series    December 1 - January 6

Advent is a season of endings and beginnings. As the calendar year closes, a new church year begins. The birth of Christ invites us into new ways of living and loving, even as the world continues to turn chaotically.

Pregnant Mary found herself surrounded by endings, both personal and political, yet she proclaimed hope in a God who makes all things new. When navigating our own transitions, we often need reminders—words that provide steady ground as we step into the unknown. We have created an Advent series filled with blessings and scriptures that root us in the fundamental truths of our faith.

These lessons, often learned in childhood, continue to resonate with adults and echo the blessings shared during significant life ceremonies. We invite you to approach this Advent season as a sacred new chapter, holding onto reminders that will support your journey. May you discover words of belovedness and hope, and may you find the courage to begin again. No matter our challenges, love is our true beginning.


This community group will meet on Wednesday mornings at 10 am at 55 Shiloh Road in Asheville. Along with book studies, this group regularly gathers for fellowship and volunteer work. 





Food Preparation and Serving at Haywood Street: 

Wellspring will be providing a meal on December 11th at 5pm for the Respite Ministry at Haywood Street Congregation. If you would like to participate you can sign up on Sundays. We have the opportunity to be companions with folks healing after surgery or medical treatments as we go each month to serve. If you feel a call to be part of this contact us, welcome@wellspringcongregation.org. 


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